Sesame seeds (was Another leeky question and Sunday Dinner (w/pic))
In article 9>,
Wayne Boatwright <> wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Thu 21 Sep 2006 10:12:38a, meant to say...
> > For some reason, this one did not show up on my browser...
> > I found it on Google groups when was trying to find my pic URL for an
> > e-mail list. <G>
> >
> > I personally find Sesame seeds to be VERY versatile! I use them in a
> > lot of veggie dishes, salads, and even on top of grilled meats in the
> > Hamilton contact grill.
> So many uses for the little buggers. I like them on chicken and pork. One
> of my favorites is wings with an asian style sticky sauce and lots of seeds.
> Also a salad of wild greens, oranges, a mild vinaigrette with a dash of
> sesame oil and seeds.
Sounds wonderful. :-)
I like they way they "pop" between my teeth. <G>
I used a bunch yesterday in the kraut and cabbage dish I made.
I get them in 5 lb. bags for $7.50 at the Oriental market and keep them
in the freezer. I have a 10 oz. shaker jar I re-fill as needed.
> Also a nice addition to peanut butter cookies.
Sounds good! I've never tried them as a cookie topping!
Try them on Omelets........ ;-d
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson