Shopping cart thief
Default User wrote:
> That's not what those are for, they are disinfecting wipes to get rid
> of germs on the handles. There was a study that came out about how much
> bacteria and such other people leave on the cart handles.
Is that really the sort of bacteria that causes illness or that isn't
washed away with regular handwashing with regular soap? I'm trying to
get a handle on how dangerous the cart really handles are that they need
special disinfecting wipes. I can understand that people with
compromised immune systems (the sick, the elderly, those undergoing
chemotherapy for cancer) are sometimes recommended to be extra careful,
but in those cases, they bring their own wipes. For everyone else,
there's usually a scare about all the nasties found somewhere (on hotel
room bedspreads, on computer keypads, on the bottoms of women's pocket
books), but the nasties don't actually make people sick. They're grody
and make me feel icky, but there isn't actually anything there that
makes people ill. Meanwhile, the anti-bacterial everything only helps
the bacteria to become resistant. The best advice that I can see is
still just to wash your hands frequently with ordinary soap and water.