Apple Crisp
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Melba's Jammin'
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Apple Crisp
In article >,
unge (Litttle Malice) wrote:
> One time on Usenet, Melba's Jammin' > said:
> > In article >,
> >
unge (Litttle Malice) wrote:
> >
> > > One time on Usenet, Melba's Jammin' > said:
> > >
> > > > I'm about to make some for dinner tonight. I don't know what "dinner"
> > > > is going to be yet, but we're having apple crisp after it! Will see if
> > > > I can get it put together in the time it takes to preheat the oven.
> > >
> > > What kind of apples will you use? I'd make an apple crisp if I could
> > > find some Gravensteins, but I don't have time to go out to the farms
> > > this week.
> >
> > I'm partial to Haralsons. They are abundant, a great pie apple, and
> > reasonably priced. They were born here 84 years ago.
> I checked Wikipedia -- they sound very good:
> "Haralson apples are crisp and juicy, having a tart flavor."
> Unfortunately, not something I can get here in WA.
> > Here are links to
> > a couple of stories about apple development at the U of MN
> >
> >
> >
> Interesting! I loved this line, it seems to describe you Minny-Soda
> folks so well:
> "Horace Greeley used to write articles to encourage people to go west,
> but he wrote, 'Go west, but don't go to Minnesota, because you can't
> grow apples there,' Stushnoff said. There were a lot of proud
> Scandinavian folks who said, 'We'll see about that.' "
From the people who brought you, "That's different," and "It's pretty
> Sounds wonderful! I'll have to look into that one. Thanks for
> the info, Barb... :-)
I think the most interesting thing I learned about apples in the last
year is that, regardless of pedigree, they will taste different
depending on where they are grown. I suppose it makes sense,but I'd
never thought about it at all. Guy was saying that the Honeycrisps are
grown in Washington but they're not the same as where they were born.
And I love that the U is making boatloads of bucks on licensing the
patent application.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
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