TN: Cline 1987 Late Harvest Zin
A friend of mine gave me this several years ago, and it was old then. I put
it away for a special occasion and forgot about it, but tonight my wife
asked me to open a sticky, and rooting around in the cellar I found it, so
we decided to open it.
The cork crumbled immediately, and my first thought was " Bummer -
vinegar!", but I managed to get the pieces out and poured two glasses. In
the glass, deep brown-maroon, almost opaque. Huge legs. Nose of raisins,
prunes and sour cherry. Decidedly porty. Amazing palate: huge jammy dried
fruit - raisins, prunes, cherries, perhaps some fig over a nice acidic
backbone. No noticeable oak. Long sweet finish, with still-unresolved
Label says 14% alcohol, 10% sugar. I'm amazed by this wine - it's 19 years
old, and properly stored could have lasted another 10-20. Who says Zins
don't age! I don't think they make 'em like this anymore.