I've finally decided to try my hand at sourdough. Being true to form,
instead of getting a nice active started, I decided to go ahead and try
and "capture" my own. Family and friends know that I hardly ever do
things the easy way
I started on Monday by weighing 4 ounces of water and flour in a clean
and sterile 1 quart mason jar. I did nothing for the first 24 hours. On
Wed. through Sat., I discarded about half of the contents and re-fed by
adding another 4 ounces, by weight, water and flour to the mix.
This morning I found that my starter had literally overflowed out of its
"home." What remains is very frothy and has a distinct
"knock-your-socks-off" alcohol-type aroma. I mean it, the aroma made me
a bit dizzy
So, have I succeeded? Should I continue discarding/feeding for another
week? Or should I just throw it out and get a known active, working
starter? Please advise. Thanks.