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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Normally, I would walk right by them...

zipporah wrote:
> I can't stand to watch Emeril, but I get nothing but fantastic results
> with every one of his recipes that I try out. His LV seafood restaurant
> is also one of the best places that we've ever eaten, so it must just be
> his personality...

Nope, his personality has nothing to do with why you don't like to
watch him... Emeril comes across as a schlimiel yet is very
successful... envy is a perfectly normal emotion. Emeril isn't a
polished orator but he's sincerely genuine, and he really can cook. On
TV he purposely behaves clumsily so folks are not intimidated so they
think they can cook too... that anyone can cook (it ain't rocket
science) is his schtick. Do you really think the producers, writers,
and editors are schmucks. BAM!

All TV food personalities become boring after awhile, so do all TV
shows... whenever I look at some of the old TV shows that were once so
very popular (like say Gunsmoke, Bonanza, The Cisco Kid, etal.) I
wonder what I ever saw in them.

The only reason folks act so infuriated about Emeril is their envy...
doesn't your TV have a channel changer.
