Supermarket clerks
Nancy Young > wrote in message >...
> jimmyz wrote:
> >
> > Nancy Young > wrote in message
> > > We talk about a lot of things, here. That's not going to change.
> > > Just respond to what you're interested in. Or not.
> > >
> > > nancy (made sausage and peppers sandwiches for dinner)
> > The title of this newsgroup is
> > Most people would assume that it is concerned with these subjects.
> And it is. Other subjects come up as well. Like it or lump it.
> >
> > We talk about a lot of things, here. That's not going to change.
> > > Just respond to what you're interested in. Or not.
> >
> > Why would you talk about the price of gasoline here?
> Because people wanted to. They for sure don't need your permission,
> no offense.
> > Shouldn't you find a newsgroup entitled "gas prices", "politics", "oil
> > companies", etc.
> No.
> > You ignored what I said and simply contradicted me.
> Okay, I answered you, how is that ignoring you? Don't answer,
> rhetorical question. Contradict you? I just told it like it is.
> If you don't like the off topic stuff, ignore it because it's not
> going away.
> Now, since OT posting annoys you, why don't you stop doing it?
> nancy
> > Shouldn't you find a newsgroup entitled "gas prices", "politics", "oil
> > companies", etc.
> No.
That's a contradiction.
> Now, since OT posting annoys you, why don't you stop doing it?
I didn't post anything OT. I questioned why you did.
Okay, I answered you, how is that ignoring you?
You ignored what I said. If you ignore what people say and pretend to
hear, (or read), something else, that makes you an ignoramus.