Slime in my tuna fish.
striped_shirt wrote:
> > What're you, like 12 years old? There was oil pack long before the
> > friggin' diet freaks with their ignorant demand for water pack.
> Demand is demand. The market dictated that people wanted tuna packed in
> water. Also, health conscious concumers tend to be wealthier than
> people that don't care what sort of crap they eat. It makes little
> sense to market things to trailer trash with little spending power.
> > Consider yourself lucky... it's no longer so easy to find tuna in
> > oil... and tuna in oil is much better than the flavorless salty water
> > packed.
> Actually, most brands use a vegetable/soy broth instead of just "salty
> water".
Vegetable/soy broth is a euphemism for salty water, oh pinheaded one.
> Bottom line--you are a ****ing idiot.
Bend over, I'll show you a ****ing bottom line, idiot!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .