So does living.. your going to die from something get over it.
"Joan F (MI)" > wrote in message
. ..
> Over time a high carb diet contributes to diabetes.
> In m,
> June Geraci > stated
> | You don't GET diabetes from eating sugar.
> |
> | "Joan F (MI)" > wrote in message
> | ...
> || Nonsense, sugar is sugar, you just go ahead and keep stuffing it
> || down and watch your feet fall off from diabetes.
> ||
> || In m,
> || Muddle > stated
> ||| It can be! Every year the local community near where I live host a
> ||| bicycle race in August, called the "Hotter than Hell 100". My guess
> ||| is that most of the participants would perish if they didn't load up
> ||| on starches, sugar and fluids. Brown sugar metabolizes differently
> ||| than white sugar and if your that concerned substitute honey, nutri
> ||| sweet or whatever you prefer.