In article >, Peggy
> writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> "Nexis" > writes:
>>>"PENMART01" wrote:
>>><snip recipes>
>>>Thanks for the timely post, Sheldon....I was just thinking about making
>>>tapioca! One of those foods I can stand when my stomach is upset.
>>>Thanks again,
>> I just spent the better part of the day stirring a 10 quart pot of from
>> tapioca, and I mean it ended up filled to the tippy-top, l couldn't squeeze
>> another ounce. I volunteered to do dessert for tomorrow's local Grange pot
>> luck.... filled four of my Corning pieces, sprinkled each with lots of
>> Vietnamese cinnamon, and had a bowlful myself for dinner... gotta tell ya,
>> wonderful cinnamon makes it special. After all that work I hope they like
>The Grange? Sheldon, you have really gone "country."
>Well, did they like it?
Yes, *Grange*, it is very rural here, mostly farm land. I will know whether my
tapioca is a sucess in a few more hours. I flavored it with only vanilla...
was going to also add dark rum, and some coconut cream, but then decided to
keep it basic using just the vanilla and the cinnamon garnish as I don't know
the preferences of these folks.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."