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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default cabbage and noodles

Kate Connally wrote:
> I haven't had cabbage and noodle for several years and
> have been craving it for the last 6-9 months. Finally got
> around to make some. Last weekend I bought a head of Savoy
> cabbage and a bag of PA Dutch egg noodles. I chopped up
> half the head of cabbage and put it in the large skillet to
> cook up some with about 1/4 stick of butter and salt and pepper.
> Meanwhile I cooked the noodles. As soon as they were done and
> drained I added them to the skillet with the rest of the stick
> of butter and mixed with the cabbage. Then I turned the heat
> up some and let cook with the lid on and checking every five
> minutes until it started to brown a little on the bottom.
> Then I turned the heat up further and stirred it all up from
> time to time so get a nice crusty brown on the noodles.
> Boy, was it good. So, I had the rest of the cabbage to use
> up so I got another bag of noodles and this weekend I made
> another batch. I add bacon this time. Never tried that before.
> Boy was that good. I diced 1/2 lb. bacon and fried it then
> removed and drained it and removed about half of the bacon fat.
> Then I added the cabbage and procedded as before, adding 1/2
> stick butter with the noodles. Near the end I added the diced
> bacon to it. That was even better. I think this is the way
> I'm going to make it from now on.
> Kate

Does it actually require that much fat? Could you, say, cook the
cabbage in a little sausage drippings or goose fat, and add a
*tablespoon* of butter with the noodles instead of almost a whole stick?
