cabbage and noodles
Mark Thorson wrote:
> Kate Connally wrote:
> >
> > Meanwhile I cooked the noodles. As soon as they were done and
> > drained I added them to the skillet with the rest of the stick
> > of butter and mixed with the cabbage.
> >
> > I add bacon this time. Never tried that before.
> > Boy was that good. I diced 1/2 lb. bacon and fried it then
> > removed and drained it and removed about half of the bacon fat.
> > Then I added the cabbage and procedded as before, adding 1/2
> > stick butter with the noodles.
> What? No heavy cream?
> Are you on a diet or something? :-)
Back off, buster. Don't use the "d" word with me!
(Kate making the sign of the cross here, as though
warding off a vampire.) As much as I love heavy cream
and put it in or on anything I can, it just doesn't
belong here. Not that a heavy cream version wouldn't
be yummy, but it would be a different dish. Maybe I'll
try that some time. Yum.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?