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Default M.Odom-grain-fed beef better than grass-fed ?

To Michael Odom et al:
About grass-fed beef you said:

"D and I had friends over for dinner last night. I grilled T-bone
steaks. We got a quarter of a grass-fed steer last week from our egg
lady. It's wonderful. Everybody should get some grass-fed beef."

I'm not making any pronouncements here, but I had always heard, from experts,
that Grain-fed is much better than Grass-fed beef. The experts I refer to are
major ranchers in Imperial County, California. We visited them, and their ranch
is huge, don't know how many square miles, but we drove many miles to get
there. It is big enough to have it's own grass landing-strip and hangar for
their plane. They serve whole beef roasts the way you and I would serve
hamburgers. They refuse to eat grass-fed beef because of the flavor. This is
their business. They have hundreds and hundreds of cattle.
They are "real" ranchers, to put it mildly. I would like to hear from you on
this , Michael. When you say "grass-fed" , what is the alternative to that?
Again, I'm not being argumentative, just really want to know.