Another RFC website survey (OT) ...just for laughs
-L. wrote:
> aem wrote:
>> Of course it's not "necessary," but I've used less convenient
>> newsreaders.
>> If they would let you filter it would be quite good. As it is, it's
>> pretty easy to use and has the advantage of being available wherever
>> there's an internet connection. -aem
> That's why I use it. Plus, we don't download programs from the 'net.
> If people want to killfile entire domains let 'em. No skin off my
> nose. But whining about it first is pretty pussified.
> -L.
LOL I agree about the announcing the killfile, although I've done it
myself. And I don't download programs from the Internet either. I think
people who do that willy-nilly are just *begging* for problems, especially
if they are doing something like bootlegging games and the like. Same thing
with clicking on links or attachments provided in a newsgroup or in email
from people you don't know.