creamed honey
sf wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 16:23:03 GMT, Dawn >
> wrote:
>>Jen wrote:
>>>What makes creamed honey different? Is it still honey? Is it honey with
>>>other additives? Or is it just processed differently? Can you use it in
>>>recipes as you would normal honey?
>>It's just normal honey that has started to crystalize. It does that
>>naturally, but I understand some places have started to 'force' it to
>>create the different texture as a marketing gimmick.
> I can't agree that commercial spun honey is anytbing near the texture
> of honey that naturally crystallizes on me. They have to do more to
> it. What comes to mind is that they must churn it like ice cream.
I've read that the crystalization is "controlled" for a finer texture.
So I guess they can keep it as teeny tiny crystals instead of big
crunchy ones that happen naturally with the sugars. But it's still just
honey (no additives).