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Jews : The Other White Meat ?
> wrote in message
> Whitey Loughmiller wrote:
>> 18 September 2006
>> JPAWPs: the New "White" People
>> [Ruth]: "Hi!"
>> [Dave]: "Hi!"
>> [Sarah]: "Hi!"
>> [Joe]: "Hello!"
>> [Ruth]: "Who are we?"
>> [All]: "We're JPAWPs!"
>> [Ruth]: "What's a JPAWP, you ask? That's a Jew Posing As a White Person.
>> We're everywhere these days: in Hollywood, in the media, in big
>> corporations, even at your local restaurant. Consider me, for instance:
>> I used to be an arrogant, black-haired, big-nosed, New York Jew who
>> ridiculed White culture. But now, I am White culture! Thanks to a
>> name-change, a nose-job, a sexy wardrobe and, most importantly, blonde
>> hair dye, I'm now a California beach girl with a condo and a fancy
>> sports car. In fact, I'm starring in a new TV show about a surfer-chick
>> named Bunny who sleeps with hunky blonde lifeguards! After all, to
>> transform a culture that you hate, you must first become part of
>> it...right?"
>> [All]: "Right!"
>> JPAWPs: the new "White" folks.
>> So what is our point? This: in circa 1920, the "gatekeepers" of White
>> Western culture were White, i.e., they were English, German, French,
>> etc. But today, many of the gatekeepers of Western culture aren't White,
>> i.e., they are Jews, who are, as the late Dr. William L. Pierce
>> observed, not White and therefore not Western - at least not in the real
>> sense of the word [1]. Put another way: why are non-Whites deciding what
>> is, and isn't, legitimate in our White culture via TV shows, movies,
>> magazines, newspapers, etc.? Isn't it time to accurately describe the
>> people who are deciding what we White people see and hear on a daily
>> basis?
>> In fact, we say that it is long past time to say that Jews are "alien"
>> people who hold different values and ideas than White people do. As long
>> as Jews get away with calling themselves "White" or "Western," their
>> power in our culture will remain unchallenged. Indeed, that's how Jews
>> have risen to the top of Western cultu by posing as "White" people
>> who are "just like us."
>> [1] a good way to sum up what Jews are, racially speaking, is to say
>> that Jews are "their own race." In other words, just as, say, the
>> armadillo is unique in the world, so are the Jews also unique. They
>> are, due to their odd history, a tribe of people which is
>> genetically apart from Whites, e.g., many Jews lack, or are deficient
>> in, an enzyme called hexosaminidase A, or "Hex A" for short. That
>> causes them to have, or carry, Tay-Sachs disease. There are many
>> different "Jewish" diseases, in fact. Sadly, most modern scientists
>> won't refer to Jews as being a "race" since Jews are a hybrid [the
>> hybrid being Ashkenazim and Sephardim], which is why we have said that
>> the scientific definition of "race" needs to be changed to include the
>> Jews as a non-White race, like Black and Asian.
>> Chairman @ 08:15 |
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>> "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate , tireless
>> minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. " --
>> Samuel Adams
>> " George W. Bush is so pro-Mexico that if you hit him with a stick
>> prizes would fall out of him. "
>> --Argus Hamilton
>> "If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
>> If you adopt your enemy's religion you are enslaved.
>> If you breed with your enemy you are destroyed."
>> -- Polydoros
>> "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice.
>> It is not a thing to be waited for - it is a thing to be achieved . "
>> -- William Jennings Bryan
> Very informative post.
> ted
"Can't we all just get along?". Rodney King