Tea Masters Blog wrote:
> > I guess it depends on what kind of tea you drink and how you brew it, I
> > still find completely drying the teapot inside each time to be a bit of
> > a drag when so many other alternatives are out there that also retain
> > heat well.
> What are you using then?
I use a mixture of things, but I boil my water either in an electric
kettle I have that the element is encased, or my whistler glass
stovetop tea kettle, a lined regular tea kettle, or sometimes a
I brew in either a gaiwan, my ceramic or glass mugs with a polymesh
(nylon) People's Brew Basket, Yixing (I do brew a particular jasmine
green in Yixing even though it is not "correct"), or in one of my
porcelain/ceramic/yixing 3-piece mugs with mug, strainer, and lid.
All of them make it very easy to cleanup with the Yixing and brew
basket being a bit more of a chore. But with Yixing it is enjoyable to
me. And, I'd love to find a gold/silver kettle I have nothing against
those at all except cost. I also hope I don't give off a vibe that one
need be wary of questioning me or my methods/thoughts... quite the
contrary, I love a good discussion and I'm happy to be proven wrong and
showed new things and ideas. I tend to ignore many "technical" tea
things and prefer, time, experience, tradition, and common sense...
that doesn't make me "right" and I don't care to be

I just enjoy the
simplicity of tea and how it was enjoyed originally, and I'd bet good
money there were no scales, timers, thermometers, and 3-day-old picked
tea airmailed next-day for more than my car cost me.
- Dominic