Jews : The Other White Meat ?
> "We have room for but one language here and that is the English language,
> for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans
> of
> American nationality and not as dwellers of a polyglot boarding house."
> - Teddy Roosevelt (an actual real conservative)
Exactly my point. All of us are immigrants bound by the common thread of
assimilating into this big melting pot. We are Americans of American
Nationality, exactly as Roosevelt stated-English, Russian, Chinese, Mexican,
et al... all of us bound by the American Dream. To have a standard language
with which to communicate and do business with one another is not
discrimination, it is common sense.
We cannot and should not accommodate the whims of everyone who asks to join
us- on the contrary, it is their responsibility to assimilate into our
melting pot, and not to make unreasonable demands upon the very people who
were kind enough to allow them to join.
Personal responsibility and self-determination are not only basic tenets of
the "conservative' philosophy, but are 2 of the finer qualities of those
good, hard-working citizens who have shaped our country.