cybercat wrote:
> "-SD-" > wrote
> > Every alternative that has been recommended to me requires an ISP to
> > provide an email address as well as STMP and POP3 information. My ISP
> > does NOT provide any of those. Without that information, I've yet to
> > find USENET access through anyone other than Google. I'd like to see
> > the alternatives that you say exist.
> >
> In addition, by entering "Honduras Usenet Access" in the blinking
> GOOGLE search box I found many, many more news servers
> you may subscribe to that specifically address the issue of Usenet
> All of the concerns you voice above may be circumvented
> by checking for servers that offer web-based access and
> allow subscription fees to be mailed in. That is, if it is
> true that people in Honduras cannot simply ENTER
> else.
I have had credit card entry denied when trying to make purchases of
numerous things from Honduras, The school I work for has had their
corporate account denied because it originates in Honduras. When trying
to make a phone call from the US to Honduras on a phone at SeaTac that
used credit cards, the call was denied because of where it was going.
Credit card fraud, credit card theft, piracy and ID theft are major
problems here and merchants are hesitant to accept cards from Honduras.