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Farmer's Almanac Winter Forcast
Dave Bugg wrote:
> Tired of the Heat? Hang on - 2007 Farmers' AlmanacT Predicts "SHIVERY IS NOT
> Lewiston, ME: After a brutally hot summer in most of the country, cool news
> is on the way. The new edition of the Farmers' Almanac, which blows into
> town every year around the end of August, contains some chilly predictions
> for the upcoming winter.
> "Shivery is not dead" reveals the 2007 Farmers' Almanac, alluding to its
> winter weather forecast. "While global warming has taken up much of our
> attention (as well as news coverage), our winter predictions are pointing
> towards widespread cold from coast to coast, especially for the western
> sections of the country," shares Peter Geiger, Philom., Editor. Geiger
> continues, "The cold may not be as frigid as 30 or 40 years ago, but we do
> expect this to be the coldest winter we've seen for quite a few years." And,
> after last year's unusual warmth, this chill might make winter harder than
> usual.
> The 2007 Farmers' Almanac, released August 28, 2006, predicts the frigid
> temperatures, as much as 20 degrees below seasonal norms (and nearly 40
> degrees colder than last winter), for Montana, the Dakotas and parts of
> Wyoming. For the Gulf Coast up through New England, unseasonably cold, or
> "shivery," conditions are expected.
> Snow, and lots of it, is also forecast for the nation's midsection, parts of
> New England, and the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. "The Great Lakes
> and Ohio River Valley may be the only area spared the extreme cold," reveals
> Sandi Duncan, Philom., Managing Editor, "but this is not to say this area
> won't be without its cold spells and significant snowfalls."
> --
> Dave
BRRRRR! I'm not a fan of the heat and humidity, but extreme cold is
just as bad for me. We're in the Great Lakes Region, so we may be
spared a lot of heavy snow...I hope...neither of us can shovel and it's
beyond our budget to hire it done very often.....Sharon in SW Ontario