Killfiling all posts from Google
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 19:30:32 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>"Lou Decruss" > wrote
>> You've been given several work-arounds
>Exactly what I was trying to get across ... if you're posting to
>newsgroups, obviously there is a way around your ISP not supporting
>them. I couldn't care less what people use, myself. But the ISP
>thing, it's neither here nor there, I don't know why that keeps being
>raised. That was my point.
I understood your point. And from what I've read of this thread so
did others. Some don't understand but that's ok too. I don't care
how people post as long as there's fun, food, cooking, and new things
for me to learn. I'm not sure if I've posted to these google threads,
but I think not. The only reason I posted was because he/she? talked
down to you and it ****ed me off cuz he/she is wrong and bullheaded.