Thread: What to serve?
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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default What to serve?

In article >,
Chatty Cathy > wrote:

> Long story short. Got two delegates coming for a software training
> course (for three days next week). Too few to make hiring a venue and
> getting in professional caterers for it to be cost effective...
> So, we are going to have the course here at our place. They will have
> one hour for lunch (at about 1pm) and I have volunteered to do the catering.
> So... what can I prepare that will be "ready on time" and will be tasty?
> My list so far (thanks also go to some of the "chatters" on the channel
> for these ideas).
> Day 1: Chicken (roasted) with seasonable veggies
> Day 2: Shrimp with salad and/or garlic bread... or some sort of curry
> (beef or lamb?)
> Day 3: Beef-steaks, maybe some lamb chops, or ribs? and some of our
> traditional boerewors (sausage) done on the grill (that way they can
> tell me how they like their steaks done. Thought of chucking some
> potatoes on the fire too? Oh, and some "pap" - corn meal porridge -
> another traditional side-dish...
> I am a bit wary of pork - too many people don't eat it, for various reasons.
> What about desserts?
> I will buy various sodas, get some bottled water, peanuts, candies etc.
> for them to "munch" on during the course. Tea and coffee will be served
> along with biscuits at 10am and 3pm...
> So what have I forgotten?
> Any suggestions welcome!

Do-it-yourself salads or sandwiches are probably the best idea. One day
you could do a pot of vegetable soup and serve different breads/cheeses
with it. At least in the US, working lunches aren't very heavy.


C.J. Fuller

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