Doctoring Cheerios
jmcquown wrote:
> denise~* wrote:
> > Does anybody know how to 'Doctor up' Cheerios. Problem is, I used to
> > only buy Honey Nut & now my 4 year old wont eat the plain kind & we
> > just bought a huge box (costco sized) Anybody kow how I can at least
> > 'bake' honey onto them? how would I go about it? Anybody have any
> > suggestions?
> Wean him off the sugary stuff. This is cereal, this is milk. This is some
> sliced fresh peaches or strawberries or add some fresh berries. STOP the
> sugar craving before it gets a firm hold.
> Jill
Also, he even requests no jelly on PB&J'S :-)