Doctoring Cheerios
denise~* wrote:
> Does anybody know how to 'Doctor up' Cheerios. Problem is, I used to
> only buy Honey Nut & now my 4 year old wont eat the plain kind & we
> just bought a huge box (costco sized) Anybody kow how I can at least
> 'bake' honey onto them? how would I go about it? Anybody have any
> suggestions?
Do you put sugar on the plain Cheerios? I'll eat Cheerios plain
straight out of the box as a snack but if I eat them with milk I have
to have a little sugar on them. You could either gradually reduce the
amount of sugar you put on the cereal until you're not adding any sugar
at all or you could allow the sugar at breakfast and then remove some
sugary food from a later meal.