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werty werty is offline
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Default Doctoring Cheerios

FOOL ! People are supposed to crave sugar !
It makes brain and body work well .

Asians have a congenital deffect in carbs ( cant gain weight ) .
Many cant do starch or sugar very well , also
Lactose ( galactose IS brain sugar )

so their brain says:
" dont crave much carbs ..."
So they can't compete with top westerners for brain ....

Sucrose is table sugar and is taken into
the body easy , low cost , without any problems , nor
poisons of any kind .

Get over it ! Its science ....
More science ...
the sweeter a sugar is , the worse tastes ..
Molasses ( less sweet) tastes better than sucrose
Maltose tastes better than fructose .
Corn syrup tastes better than HFCS .
Nutrasweet is NOT sugar , it is a deadly poisonl.....

Never sprinkle sucrose on food , always cook it in .
you can quickly make a syrup by boiling and adding vanilla.
and a pinch of salt or sodium +citric acid .

1) Brown Cherios lightly , take out of oven ,
2) drip butter ....
3) drip a little of above syrups on top , hot .
eat warm ..

I can't find good flavor in most Spaghetti sauce , or
i'd suggest drip a bit on the Cherrios . You'll need to
take out the water first , try slow cooking S' sauce
at below 150 F in open pan , in a vacumn chamber ...
Opps i went overboard ....

then adding butter , then dropping Cherrios in

If you add to much of any engredients , except butter
, you cover the taste of the fried Cherrios ....
If you dont get the moisture out of S' sauce , their soggy .

Notice how Cherrios , bread crumbs et al,
are fundamental flavor ?

Surprize , Its only fully cooked flour .

But the common complaint is UNDER cooked
flour .

So , toast bread , or use Cherrios when ya want this
great flavor .

Why can't we buy fully cooked flour in the store ,
after all were Americans and in a hurry !
Some expensive pan cake mixes cook the flour ,
thus a great flavor .
I want it cheap , in bulk !

Your body MUST convert all starch to sugar .
All starch is converted to sugar before your body can use it .
Your brain does NOT like the flavor of startch .
But brain likes it ONLY cause it remembers cooked flour
is easier to convert to sugar than raw flour
Same with meat and vegies , you have 'tricked" your brain
to falsely think meat and vegies are good for you , cause you read
from government stuff .

You get < .1% from meat
" " trace elemnts only from vegies
Carbs are 99% ... They will make you fat faster than any other
food .
Losing wt is impossible if you are normal and live in America ( over
eat )
You need to have the right genes to stay slim , so dont waste your
reducing ...
Asians dont eat less to stay slim , they dont have the genes , its
of their hands . Read above .

jmcquown wrote:
> denise~* wrote:
> > Does anybody know how to 'Doctor up' Cheerios. Problem is, I used to
> > only buy Honey Nut & now my 4 year old wont eat the plain kind & we
> > just bought a huge box (costco sized) Anybody kow how I can at least
> > 'bake' honey onto them? how would I go about it? Anybody have any
> > suggestions?

> Wean him off the sugary stuff. This is cereal, this is milk. This is some
> sliced fresh peaches or strawberries or add some fresh berries. STOP the
> sugar craving before it gets a firm hold.
> Jill