Cold marie biscuit, marshmellow, Hazelnut slice
"Temily" > wrote in news:1159524718.549874.9260
> Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
> I was at a 21st the other week and there was a slice with the
> ingredients in the was SO YUMMY! Has anyone got a recipe for
> such a slice? It looked like it had copha and chocolate in it too..but
> those ingredients were the only ones a friend sitting next to me could
> remember the lady saying it had in it..
> If anyone knows..please post it to me - temilyp at hot mail dot com
Hi Temily. Can you describe the slice more? Were the Marie biscuits
broken up in the slice or were they used as a base? Could it have been
like a hedgehog slice with hazelnuts for the nuts and marshmallows added.
I know they're not usual in hedgehog, but who knows. When you mentioned
copha do you mean to make a topping or mixed into the slice?
It's not ringing any bells, but if you describe it more I can check out
some of my books.
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia