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Are we wine snobs?
Hunt wrote:
> In article .com>,
> says...
> >
> >
> >Nils Gustaf Lindgren wrote:
> [SNIP[
> UC,
> I agree with you about many of the aspects in you statements, but differ with
> some others - the extent of my agreement/disagreement is really moot, hence
> the snippage.
> I probably disagree, because I am both a food and a wine snob. I spend a great
> deal of time tasting both food and wine, though through different techniques.
> For me, both are very intertwined, though can be separated to some degree.
> As for the food aspect, I narrow the consumption down to two classes: one,
> eats to live, the other lives to eat. Oversimplification? Sure, but it works
> for me, both with food and with wine.
> Hunt
To me, saying something like this is snobbery. Suppose you have two
wine snobs talling to each other:
"Q: Have you tried the Petrus Pomerol 1998?
A: Yes. Rather nice. Bought three cases last week. The '97, of course,
is hopeless. I wouldn't serve it to my dogs."