Posted to
That Spicy Cabbage at Chinese Restaurants...
In article >,
Peter A > wrote:
> In article . com>,
> says...
> >
> > DWACON wrote:
> > > Anyone got a recipe?
> > >
> > > Just from taste, I gather it contains vinegar, sugar and ginger to pickle
> > > the raw cabbage.
> > >
> > > Am I close?
> >
> > If the other posters are correct and it is Kimchee it has those plus
> > hot peppers, lots of garlic, the odd bit of squid and ??? what am I
> > forgetting?
> >
> > Any decent Asian shop should have a jar or two.
> > John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
> >
> >
> Kimchee can be quite varied with cabbage and red pepper the only two
> constants. Ginger, other vegetables, dried seafood - you name it, you'll
> find it in kimchee at one time or another.
Somebody threw out the word "kimchee" in this thread. I don't think the
original poster was referring to this product at all. Kimchee is from
Korea and is fermented. The OP was referring to stuff from a Chinese
restaurant. The one place I've had this, it was fresh and not fermented.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California, USA