non-stick cookware
itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> Shelly whined then broke down and wrote:
> >
> > It's actually a legitimate question that's asked here often and by
> > plain ordinary folks who are selling nothing. Being a newbie you're
> > the only one bringing in the spam issue. I'm pretty sure none of the
> > regular posters visited the site until they saw your whine...
> > I didn't until you complained... but now that I did it's a pretty
> > useful site in some respects, and aspparently it has some association
> > with
> I'm not a newbie. And yesssss, it IS spam.
It's not spam. Quite a few regular posters incude a web site in their
sig where they're selling various products but that does not make a
post spam. You don't know what constitutes spam and that alone proves
you are most definitely a newbie.