Chatty Cathy wrote:
> Vote now!
The site would not permit me to vote unless I marked an answer to all
questions... to answer honestly I could not (in all honesty) answer
every question (as presented) honestly... for instance I have no
preference for dinner/supper, to me they are synonymous and I use both
equally as often... although I must admit that when I invite for the
evening meal I invite for dinner, not supper... to me supper is the
more familiar/family term, but it could also depend on usage... my mom
used to say "You're late for supper!" but "Don't be late for dinner."
I typically eat my main meal as brunch (about 10 AM), and I don't drink
tea (pond water). I was only able to answer the first question, when I
do have a meal at noon I call it lunch. And I don't really have a name
for my 10 AM meal, I simply refer to it as my "main meal", because it
is typically when I eat the largest quantity.
So, your machine would not accept my partial vote... I think you need
to fix that... or fix the wording of the questions, ie. give a broader
range of choices, for instance, at 4 PM I would have replied were there
a choice for martinis... and yes, martinis could be a meal, if you eat
the olives! LOL Notice I used the plural, in my vocabulary the word
"martini" does not exist. hehe
Sheldon B. Oodles