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Denise~* Denise~* is offline
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Posts: 246
Default Doctoring Cheerios

jmcquown wrote:

> >
> > -SD-

> EXACTLY! The child isn't the one in charge.
> Jill

Jill, Please get off your high horse.

I'm assuming you have had kids (maybe you haven't, I dunno) I know
that they try to be in charge, but I'm sure you must remember how hard
it was, especially if you have one as tenatious as mine is about food
and trying to be in charge. Please keep that in mind...we do our best
about being in charge. Most everything else he complies with,
eventually. Things like food is a tough one. We are definately not
his puppets. He knows where the power lies, but if it's a food he's
not familar with, tired of, or doesn't care for all that much, he
actually will say he wants to eat it but then doesn't. We will tell
him he is done & to get down, but he goes into a fit of "noooo, I want
toooo eeeeaaat" All along, I know he wont, but I give him the benefit
of the doubt. He will sit for over 30 min saying he wants to eat, but
doesn't touch it. OTOH, if its something he really likes, it's gobbled
up. Ohh, and we don't fix a new meal. He gets whats served & that's
it & if he doesn;t eat most of his dinner, no dessert or snack later.
I am learing to try to not sweat the small stuff, but I still want him
to eat. I know cheerios are good for him & if it means sweetening them
up a little to get him to eat it, then so be it. It's better than
"Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs" or