One time on Usenet, Rhonda Anderson > said:
> unge (Little Malice) wrote in
> :
> > One time on Usenet, Rhonda Anderson > said:
> >> Mr Libido Incognito > wrote in
> >> :
> >> > Cut the keibasa into say 1/4 inch coins. Put a flat plate grill on
> >> > your webber and grill the sausage coins. Brush lightly with a
> >> > decent commercial just after they brown slightly...serve. very nice
> >> > appetizer type thing
> >> A decent commercial?? some sort of sauce I'm assuming. I'd be
> >> interested to know.
> > I'm thinking he left out a word or two, like "decent commercial BBQ
> > sauce" or something...
> Yes, that's what I figured too. I'm just wondering if it is BBQ sauce or
> some other sort of sauce or condiment.
True -- although my first thought was BBQ, there are tons of
commercial sauces and things. C'mon, Alan, bail us out here. ;-)
> When I look at my response now,
> though, I can see that _I_ left out the word "what" <g>
Heh! Isn't that usually how it goes? The irony of Usenet...
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~