Crock Pot Project Advice
Andy wrote:
> Would you combine a pork butt roast and a jumbo pack of chicken thighs in
> the same crock pot?
> I've put off everything while on my buffalo kick but the two other meats
> have been getting old in the fridge.
> Can I cook them together at the same time? I was thinking about putting the
> pork butt in an oven bag and surrounding that with the thighs.
> A killing two birds with one stone scenario, kinda/sorta.
> Timing them both to doneness might be a challenge.
> Your thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Andy
I don't have the faintest idea how they would taste if cooked like this
even if one is in an oven bag. Does a neighbor have a crockpot you
could borrow just for the day?? That way it would not be a guessing
game when one of the dishes is done.
Just a suggestion...............