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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default use by date still valid for frozen food?

"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> wrote:
>> just asking if i freeze the fillets, can i still consume them
>> after the use by date?

> No, the "Use By" date is scientifically formulated
> to indicate the exact moment at which food becomes
> unsafe to eat.
> I once had a carton of eggs which had reached the
> "Use By" date with nearly half of them unused.
> I too wondered whether they would continue to be
> safe to eat. Because it was Friday night, a group
> of us stayed up late to see what would happen
> when the "Use By" date was reached.
> As the clock approached midnight, the tension was
> high, necessitating the liberal application of wine
> and beer to maintain calm. As midnight passed, all
> eyes were fixed on the open carton sitting in the
> middle of our big round table. Seconds passed, then
> a few minutes. We gradually began to lose interest,
> when suddenly an egg popped. The top blew off the
> egg, and a greyish-green foul-smelling ooze came
> out. Nobody was actually watching when the first
> egg popped, but we all saw the second egg pop,
> this time spattering forth a brownish, even more
> foul liquid.
> At this point, anticipating the clean-up job,
> I declared the experiment over and closed the carton,
> gingerly carrying it to the bathroom, additional
> muffled pops and vapors issuing from within.
> I flushed all of the eggs and debris down the
> toilet and tossed the soiled carton in the shower,
> opening the hot water valve to full to wash that
> accursed residue down the drain. I'll never do that
> again! Hope this helps! :-)

Are you selling the rights to this story to Fox TV? :-)