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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Folks, my kitchen smells horrible (Was: Tammy my kitchen....)

Puester wrote:
> Ugh. I just put a banana bread in the oven (a James Beard recipe that
> we like) about 15 minutes ago and suddenly I can smell burning, all the
> way up here on the second floor. The dang thing has overflowed and is
> charring on the floor of the oven.
> My bad. The recipe called for a 9x5 inch bread pan and I poured the
> batter into a longer, narrower bread pan, maybe 11x4.

The capacity of those pans is essentially identical... if one pan
overflowed so would the other... something is wrong with your recipe
and/or measurements. Banana bread is a quick bread that is made from a
very thick batter that would rise fairly high out of the pan and still
not flop over. I bet you felt generous and added a couple extra
bananas, they were over ripe and you wanted to use them up... in baking
banana counts as liquid.
