Good toaster oven for roasting vegetables?
Dwayne Hoover wrote:
> I just moved into a new house and it has an electric oven. I've never
> used one before but I notice it doesn't do that great of a job roasting
> vegetables. Maybe one of those convection countertop ovens that
> supposedly do a better job than a standard toaster oven? I don't know,
> I'm open to suggestions I just need it to be large enough to cook a
> meal for 2 inside. Does anyone have any recommendations on what brands
> work well and what ones I should stay away from?
If you are able to, can you contact the manufacturer of the electric
oven? You might be doing something that is not optimal for this
particular oven or the oven might have some defect or repair needed.
Consumer Reports, ?, et al., have lots on ovens.
Some of the convection ovens were so-so. I don't see much difference
between your oven and the others. So again, you might want to analyze
this problem before just buying another oven.
I would not be surprised if the maker of your oven has some good
suggestions and clue. Perhaps a veggie roaster, a clay thing or a
special roasting pot or something, you can use which will bring you the
results that you roast after.