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Little Malice Little Malice is offline
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Default Roast Turkey Legs?

Miguel (my DH of over 17 years) tells me that in college he
and BIL used to roast turkey legs for a cheap and yummy meal,
and he's got a hankering for it this week. He doesn't remember
his method and my only experience beyond roasting a whole bird
was one disasterous Thanksgiving when I baked a turkey hindquarter
and got beautiful brown rubber as a result. That was a long time
ago, so I don't remember all of the details. I just recall using
a shallow ceramic coated baking pan, basting the turkey with some
butter and S&P, covering it with foil, and cooking it (not sure
of the tempurature, might have been 350) until the meat thermometer
said it was done. It was waaaay too chewy to eat. Any thoughts on
what I should do differently this time? I'm thinking deeper pan,
lower temp, longer cooking time...

"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~