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Default Leave well enough alone

Loire21 wrote:
>> JimLane wrote:

>> What a crock.

> Thanks, Jim.

I agree with you, Loire, up to a point. Some things don't need much
improvement. I can't for the life of me figure out (and here's where I'll
get flamed) the fascination with adding garlic to mashed potatoes. I love
garlic. I love mashed potatoes. But put them together and I feel
absolutely no sense of overwhelming joy. Yet I add a little minced garlic
if I'm making potato pancakes from leftover mashed potatoes. Go figure.

I think the chefs in those fancy places are pressured to come up with
'signature dishes'. Lilac creme brulee isn't what is served at ABC down the
street, therefore if we do it, it will attract more customers. Rather like
the $1000 omelet discussed here last week. Sure, I'll rush right out and
order one. But the point was, they got the publicity.

I don't think everything is going to wind up tasting like McD's if chefs
keep things simple. But that's just my opinion and like other things,
everyone has one
