"Traditional Ukrainian Cookery" by Savella Stechishin--Any good?
-bwg > wrote:
> A used book store near me has a new copy of the 1976 edition of this
> book. Is it any good? How good is it? Victor? He's asking $65 (USD) for
> it. Being a cooker rather than a collector, I'm inclined to take a pass
> or try to bargain him down.
I've seen some recipes from the book and they seem to show that the book
is likely to be good, taken for what it is, namely one written by an
Ukrainian who spent most of her life in Canada, mostly in Saskatchewan.
So, if you are looking for good, Ukrainian-inspired recipes, you will
find them there. They are not always authentic, as far as the cuisine
of the "old country" is concerned, though. Also, there is a recipe for
Chicken Kiev which, in spite of its name, has preciously little to do
with traditional Ukrainian cookery.
The lowest price for the book I can find right now is US$49.50 + postage
from Canada.