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LadyJane LadyJane is offline
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Posts: 413
Default Pressure cooker paranoia

Anytime you cook under pressure there is cause for diligence and keen

First rule: I never put any part of my pressure cooker in the
dishwasher - the cleaning agents are too corrosive and break down the
seals and pressure vent seals.

Second rule: check and recheck all rubber seals for signs of wear and
tear. If they look perished, even slightly, get new ones. Never, ever
use bodgy seals on a pc.

Third is basic common sense. If you are cooking anything under
pressure, allow the food to cool sufficiently, and the pressure to
reduce, before even thinking about removing the lid.
Or you'll end up with what you've cooked pressure blasted all over your
kitchen ceiling!

Once the pressure builds up and the pc starts to 'whistle' turn down
the heat until you get a constant, low, whistle from the valve. If you
keep the heat to high, it's more likely to 'blow'.

I've been using a pc for nearly 30 years - only ever used the English
Prestige model - and never had a drama.
As others have said, RTFM (ie: read the f'ing manual) and use common
sense and you won't have any problems.

cheers & good luck pc'ing!

"Never trust a skinny cook!"