Pressure cooker paranoia
One time on Usenet, "merryb" > said:
> As I read yall's postings, pressure cookers keep coming up in the
> topics. I have never used one- when I was younger, I remember hearing
> about how they can explode. Is that something of concern, or is that
> just the older ones, or what? It sounds like many of you use them, and
> I would like to hear what you have to say. Thanks!
My mom canned in one for as long as I can remember (I'm 42),
ditto my Gramma using her old Presto for cooking (I have it now).
They both warned me that yes, they can explode, but that's if you
aren't paying attention to it or following the directions. I
suspect the newer ones have more, safer features too...
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~