You see it all goes back several months to when I was riding high and
listening to hood music. Anyway as I recalled living in the urban part
of philadelphia I remembered my highschool and how he government
sponsored lunch was called "Freebies" mind you it was delicious only
problem was that everyone would make fun of people in that program. i
wasn't in it but I would beat people over their lunch tickets. It
occurred to me just how much fun it was calling people freebie eaters
and saying things like "look at her swallow those freebies" and the
like. So I thought why not let the kids of today enjoy humor when
someone would say LOOK AT the boy EATING THOSE "E.COLI FREEBIES". This
in turn put the "mother" in "mother****er"
Bob wrote:
> Excerpts from
> The outcome of this spinach misfortune may be an expensive reform of
> the bagged-salad business, which generates annual sales of $2.5
> billion.
> Bagged produce is often precut, releasing water and nutrients that
> feed bacteria. The bags trap moisture, creating a humid heaven for
> bacteria if refrigeration fails. The cut greens are hard to wash, and
> you can't remove outer leaves as you can with a head of romaine.
> The offender in this case is the toxic O157:H7 strain of Escherichia
> coli.
> Several preventive measures are possible. One is to mandate that salad
> packers douse the leaves with chlorine solution, but Natural Selection
> does that. Another approach is to try to displace O157:H7 in farm
> animals, whose manure can be spread to nearby farmland. Many cows are
> already fed bacteria much like those in yogurt that reduce the amount
> of O157:H7 in manure.
> --
> The most important tool of the scientist is the wastebasket.
> ...Albert Einstein