On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 13:48:36 -0400, Mark Lipton >
>Jon Nadelberg wrote:
>> Ed Rasimus wrote:
>>> As for Cline, I picked up an Old Vine Zin a few weeks ago--think it
>>> was '02--and found it decidedly herbal rather than fruit forward.
>>> Somehow dill in wines is a taste I haven't acquired yet.
>> At Cline, they claim that the wine is flavored by the eucalyptus trees
>> that surround the vineyard. Perhaps that is what you taste.
>That's quite likely true. To me, all of Cline's reds have a certain
>"Clineness" to them that I find quite unmistakable (I say this without
>ever having identified one blind, though). Whenever I write up notes
>about a Cline Zin or Mourvedre I end using the descriptors "eucalyptus"
>and/or "mint," which for whatever reason I find closely related in wine.
>Mark Lipton
I've experienced what you describe, although I admit to a naivete
about Cline's location and the surrounding foliage. I don't mind some
mint and even a bit of eucalytus might bring out the Koala in me, but
this was dill.
Armed with the new knowledge about Cline, I'll look for the
"Cline-ness" and have Mark to thank for it.
Ed Rasimus
Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
"When Thunder Rolled"