Rick - Look up Lum's winemaking site. This is the best winemaking
information around as far as I'm concerned. If you make wine according to
these instructions it will be good;
"Hmmm.. thought I wanted the sulfite level to stay up around 40ppm, geez
the more I try to learn the less i think i know :-)"
~unless you cold soaked your Cab there really was no reason to add any K
metabisulfite or Campden. Just add the yeast and let it go. For sure do
not add any K metabisulfite during fermentation.
"I know labs aren't infallable, but this place was HUGE with people
> scurrying all over at this time of the year. Their site is he
> http://www.etslabs.com Three analytes was $ 54.00, seemed high, but my
> point is that I would trust their number more than mine. With my swirl
> in a plastic cup titration it appeared to be around .6 ."
~Your $54.00 is about 1/3 to a good pH meter and acid titration set up.
Look at these sites;
Cynmar is a good place to buy things like buretts ($14.50 and up) and other
glass ware.
Presque Isle is a good place to buy chemicals and test reagents. Also,
titration kits.
Omega is a good place for things like pH meters. Check out the PHH222
($150) meter. It has a replaceable electrode that can be placedright in the
titration beaker. I've used one for over 5 years with good results.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas USA