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Bob (this one)
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Default Jack Cumpleaņos

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article >, "Bob (this one)"=20
> > wrote:
>>Foxy Lady wrote:
>>>"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
>>>>Happy birthday to you, m'friend. May you have many more. And may yo=

>>>>get . . . . more of what you want. :-)
>>>>-Barb, <> Sam I Am updated 5/16/04.
>>>Salud, dinero y amor... y tiempo para disfrutarlos!!!
>>>Felicidades en tu d=EDa Jack...
>>>Un abrazo...

>>For those who don't speak Spanish, here's a very good, scholarly=20
>>Jack (you already figured that out, I bet)...
>>Solid dinner and armor. And it's time for you to be defruited (it's=20
>>how one says "deflowered" in Spanish. A little known fact.)
>>Felicia and your "dia" (can't translate it. Family newsgroup.) Jack.
>>An abrasion (presumably referring to Felicia's skill, persistence and=20

> Much grass, Senior.

Same a tu.

P.S. Las albondigas estan en la biblioteca.
