It was not quite lethal....
itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> On Oct 4, 5:35 pm, "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
> > > wrote in
> > > Be there any kind soul out there who has a successful chocolate fudge
> > > recipe? If so, perhaps you would be good enough to share it.
> >
> > > Thank you.Drive to the nearest Cracker Barrel, fight your way through the crowd of old
> > > folks at the door, and buy some?
> Besides what Joe said, go by the recipe on the side of a can of
> Hershey's cocoa. No matter what other recipes you will receive here,
> this is my all time favorite. I guess because my mom always made it,
> especially at Christmas. Brings back a lot of memories. If you decide
> on this route, be sure and follow the directions on the can and don't
> hurry it while it's cooking to the hard ball stage.
Okay, the next time I go into town I will do just that---- get the can
and read it, and see what else I need. Though in all honesty I like
Joe's advice better: I had thought that one just kind of.... oh, I
don't know, had fudge JUST HAPPEN when one puts all of the parts
together, sort of like it was a lawn mower engine.
Sadly, I only get into town once a month (less if rain or snow has
fallen), so it will be weeks before I can fetch the Hershey's cocoa.
Drats! I had this overpowering craving for fudge.... for the past week
I have been laying in bed dreaming of it, smelling it in my head as it
were, shivering with anticipated delight. Otch, well.