Ed Rasimus wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:44:49 -0400, Mark Lipton >
> wrote:
>>Jon Nadelberg wrote:
>>>Ed Rasimus wrote:
>>>>I've experienced what you describe, although I admit to a naivete
>>>>about Cline's location and the surrounding foliage. I don't mind some
>>>>mint and even a bit of eucalytus might bring out the Koala in me, but
>>>>this was dill.
>>>>Armed with the new knowledge about Cline, I'll look for the
>>>>"Cline-ness" and have Mark to thank for it.
>>>Hey! I was the one who mentioned it first!
>>Indeed, in this thread at least, Jon. In honor of the announcement of
>>the Chemistry Nobel today, I'll engage in a little shameless self-promotion:
>>Mark Lipton
> So, am I to conclude that "Cline-ness" or "Clineness" is now
> copyrighted or trademarked and must be noted in publication? And will
> that be expanded to Woop-Woopishness?
I am in contact with my attorneys right now on this topic. Ridgeosity is
also up for grabs, I'm told.
Mark Lipton