Cooking magazines
merryb wrote:
> Gotta vent a little. I cancelled subscriptions to both Bon Appetit and
> Gourmet becauce of the overwhelming amount of ads. It ****es me off to
> find more ads than articles. Even Sunset is driving me nuts. I
> understand the mags need to printy ads, but give me a break...The only
> mag I will subscribe to is Cook's Illustrated. Am I the only one who
> feels this way? I doubt it!
You're not the only one. CI is instructive not only for the techniques
but also for demonstrating a reasonably rigorous approach to comparing
and testing. Sometimes it provokes little arguments/discussions in
your own mind, which is a good sign that it's offering something
substantive. I don't know any other food magazine that is worth its
subscription price, let alone the cover price.
We subscribe to Sunset for the gardening and travel sections more than
for the food section, but I find there is often a recipe that seems
worth trying. -aem