Scooter wrote:
> Colorado State has some good altitude cooking info he
> In fact, I think I may have gotten the link from someone here at rfc...
> if so, thanks again.
> Scooter
> at 5400 ft
That's *GREAT!* It never occured to me that there might be such
information on the 'net... never thought high altitude made much of a
difference. Maybe the web page will explain my pickling failure. I
thought my being a bachelor had something to do with it, but maybe it
*IS* high altitude.
When I am on the mesa (8,210 feet) I have noticed coffee needs several
more minutes to soak, and beans take longer to cook. I thought it was
just because it's cooler up there.
It appears that to make fudge at 6,500 feet, one should bring it to a
lower temperature than at sea level.