Cooking magazines
merryb wrote:
> Gotta vent a little. I cancelled subscriptions to both Bon Appetit and
> Gourmet becauce of the overwhelming amount of ads. It ****es me off to
> find more ads than articles. Even Sunset is driving me nuts. I
> understand the mags need to printy ads, but give me a break...The only
> mag I will subscribe to is Cook's Illustrated. Am I the only one who
> feels this way? I doubt it!
I have cancelled a number of subscriptions and stopped buying them at
stores because there are just too damned many adds and no content. My
mother used to buy me a subscription to National Geographic but I asked
her not to bother because they screwed around with the format and made it
too hard to read. Instead of captioned pictures inset in the articles
they now have large pictures with captions printed over top in various
colours. My eyes can't handle it.